Tax Efficient Giving

Did you know that if you donate €250 or more in a calendar year, we can reclaim up to 45% of the value of your donation back from Revenue – at no extra cost to you.

Under the government’s Charitable Donation Tax Back Scheme, Hand in Hand can reclaim tax on donations totalling €250 or over made by individuals in a tax year, once you are an Irish taxpayer - PAYE, self-assessed or jointly assessed. For example, if you donated €250 in a given year, it could be worth up to €362.33.  

All you need to do is download the CHY form below, complete it, then send it back to us using the details below

Post to:
Hand in Hand,
The Health Hub,
Main Street,
Co. Galway,

Scan and email or take a photo and email it back to  

Alternatively, you can contact us on 0873295395 and we will talk you through it.

Download CHY Form

[Video Here if Applicable]

Lets start with the first step

Welcome to Kayan NGO Charity
Organization Helping Poor Community.

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