

Families Supported







Guiding Principles

At Hand in Hand, we adhere to the highest standards of governance.

We commit to operating and adhering to the highest standards of governance, transparency and accountability. We have adopted the Charities Regulator Charities Governance Code. We are compliant with Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the public. We have adopted the Charities SORP (FRS 102).

We are registered with Revenue Commission (CHY17268), and the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA 20063887), Ireland’s national statutory regulatory agency for charitable organisations.

Our Board

Our board members are the core of Hand in Hand Children's Cancer Charity offering strategic direction, expertise and commitment to support families in Ireland with a childhood cancer diagnosis. Their leadership and dedication drives our mission and ensures we operate to the highest standards possible.

Our Board Members

Barry O’Sullivan (Chair)

Terry Dignan

Clare Ann McDermott

Sarah Whelan

Tom Holohan

Feidhlim O'Hanlon

Caroline Kelly

Brenda McVeigh

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Organization Helping Poor Community.

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